Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007

Were would you want to live?

I think that a place that I would really like to live is at Vancouver Island. I think that, that place is the coolest place in the world. The climate is really cool and is rainy. I love this place because of the year round weather and the beauty of this place. I think that everything should stay the same in Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island has a big problem though, eath quakes! I guess that an earth quale is better than living in Wyoming when Yellow Stone blows up, maybe then I will have a chance at servival. I think that we all should have a place were we want to live when we are older, it sort of gives us a plan and a goal. So next time you think about living somewere like Vancouver Island remember this blog and the beauty of the island.


stingray said...

Hey ellopoppet. You picked a very good place to live. You really do know a lot about it. Well I hope that your dream will come true and you get to go there. Some day we both might go there together. Well this is all I have to say today. TTYL. Dreaming is beliving.

vandalin11 said...

i think that you picked an alright place to live but you forgot the fact that yello stone is a mega volcano and that when it does blow its ashes will reach all the way to the east coast let alone vancover island and if your going to move to an small island it mite as well be a warm one but that is just my opinion

P.S. flick hahaha

wonderfred said...

I agre with mack. The ashes will cary over there.

Oh ya and flickr flickere flick

wonderfred said...


wonderfred said...

I mean nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo trisha

stingray said...

Doen't listen to them two young ones Mack this the one who can't spell. Remember that dreaming is beliveing

Chris said...

trisha you are dumn you dont know nothing about spelling see im the one how nos about spelling i failed it 10 times so im better then you at spelling