Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007


This might sound like a wierd thing... well it is. Some of my friends made this "SPECIAL" day up. It is really weird. Like this guy he won't stop trying to sit by me! It is a little wierd. Well this holiday is every week on Tuesdays. I think that I can wait for tuesdays from now on!!!


wonderfred said...

That is really wierd Ii canllt funderstend tath virey goosd. R u a rick personey bevacuas youk camn spellkj goocnsd

yamaha rider said...

LOL! I made that up. LOL! Ya good times.

vandalin11 said...

what itws to confusin ho od u think u are rech or sontthing

stingray said...

Hey bee good blog today. I think that having a national sit by bailey day would get really anoing. Well good blog today. This is all I really have to talk about today. TTYL dreaming is beliving

yamaha rider said...


wonderfred said...

i said that is really wierd II dcant funderstand tath virey gooodssa. R u a rick personey cebecausve youksl camnm spell,h goocnsd.

Hippie girl said...

B, thnx for the idea of bugging you! Peace!

barbie said...

i think that it is werd that you have your holiday

wonderfred said...

I was ust kidding i diddnt really say you are a rich person

wonderfred said...

I don't evan know who Ryan is. Who is he

i am the ling ling' said...

hey B! good blog today.!

imx2xprettyx2xdie said...

HEY B! i got a blogger! i still h8 somebody in our class dats name has da anitials of M C! i h8 him still!............... yep still do. Not really.He h8s me tho and he'll never talk to me again. Unless its only kinda talking to me. Like talking about me behind my back! im bored! well c ya

imx2xprettyx2xdie said...

by da way... dis is M L! i mean... SHARKBAIT! OR BOBALOO! OR EVEN BETTA... UMSI!!!!! lol now do u no who it is. I thot so. loser.jkjk. luv ya. bye