Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27, 2007


Do you believe in this fairy tail? Scientists say that it is almost immpossible, but what do the people think? There are people all over the world that believe that BIGFOOT really is out there somewere. I mean if people haven't seen the monster then why do we even bother to believe? Then again, what about the people who have seen the monster,we all like to call BIGFOOT, do we just forget about them, do we simply keep looking? Almost the hole world has been surched and clamed so why haven't we found the amazing animal yet? Why haven't we decided wether or not to believe in this mystery? Is it because we all like a good story every now and again or is it because deep down we really aren't sure and that bothers us. Us humans have a certain instinct that we have to follow, so is that why we all just like to say that BIGFOOT isn't true even though deep down we aren't for sure? I suppose that we all will have to wate till the day the myth will end, the day that they find BIGFOOT.

1 comment:

Bubbles said...

Hey Ello-Poppet! I think that your Big Foot one is funny. I don't believe in Big Foot either. I think that it is retarted that he even made one up. Well TTYL!!!