Friday, April 13, 2007

April 13, 2007

RANTING!!!!!when this happens to you it makes you feel sad and lonely.

I think that I am going to rant about....sexcism in schools. It is not fair at all! I know of teachers that are like this. And it isn't fait that they can dock grades on you just because they don't like what gender you are! That is apsolutely unacceptable!

When a teacher does this to you, does it make you feel bad? Well it does me. I think that if a teacher, princaple, or even some that works at a store and won't surve you then they need to go teach or work at a place were the people that they like are so that they won't hurt anyone's feelings. That is my blog for today.


vandalin11 said...

power to the peaple yea!!
that hapens to alot of peaple and i think it is a problem but be glad your not in asia its alot worse theree.

vandalin11 said...

you are not a rich snob but compared to me your rich thats why you can speell an i cant it a problom but to anwser your question i dont think that you are a rich SNOB.

Hippie girl said...

You are totally right! Who does that to you? That is not peace!

Hippie girl said...

Man, that is so stupid! I am with you totally on that one! NO peace!

yamaha rider said...

Ya your not rich but you are kinda a snob. JKJK LOL. I dont think your a snob.

wonderfred said...

At least you wernt alive in the slave years and You weren't a black kperson